Stake Formulas and Math
This information is for the hardcore followers and the people doing their own deep dive research into the protocal
Don't worry, you don't need to know or understand any of this math if you are a regular ape! Just know that everything is algorithmically programmed and built to last!
You can easily see what you will earn by using the calculator on the website!
Minimum Stake Duration
7 Days
Maximum Stake Duration
3333 Days
Share Factor (SF)
Share Factor Reduction Rate (SFR)
1/3333 per day until 0.000
Magic Number (MN)
Base Inflation Rate
0.18185 (18.185%) Fixed
Stake - Basic Shares
amount / (2-SF)
Stake - Bigger Pays Better Bonus %
0-10% from 0 to 20,000,000 MAXX (stake_amount / 2,000,000) capped at 10
Stake - Bigger Pays Better Shares
BasicShares * (bpb_bonus / 100);
Stake - Longer Pays Better
(BasicShares + BPB Shares) * (Duration - 1) / MN
Stake - Total Shares
Basic Shares + BPB Shares + LPB Shares
Stake - Full Duration Interest
(stake_total_shares * (stake_duration/365)) * base_inflation
Stake - Daily Interest
(stake_total_shares * (stake_duration/365)) * base_inflation / stake_duration
Stake - Annual Interest
((stake_total_shares * (stake_duration/365)) * base_inflation) / stake_duration*365
Stake - Annual Interest APR %
Annual Interest / Principal Amount
Stake - Late Withdraw Penalty rate
100/365 (0.273972602739726) % per day after 14 day grace period
With the above formulas, we can calculate exactly how many shares a user will receive at staking, and how much interest they will earn over the period.
A user stakes 10,000,000 MAXX for 3333 days, whilst the SF is 1.000:
βBasic Shares = amount / (2-SF)
10,000,000 / (2-1) =
BPB Bonus = (stake_amount / 2,000,000) capped at 10%
10,000,000 / (2,000,000) =
βBPB Shares = BasicShares * (bpb_bonus / 100);
10,000,000 * (5/100) =
LPB Shares = (BasicShares + BPB Shares) * (Duration - 1) / MN
(10,000,000 + 500,000) * (3333 - 1) / 1111 =
Total Shares = Basic Shares + BPB Shares + LPB Shares
β10,000,000 + 500,000 + 31,490,549.0549 =
Full Duration Interest
(stake_total_shares * (stake_duration/365)) * base_inflation
β(41,990,549.0549 * (3333/365)) *
0.18185 =
69,728,015.9589 MAXX
Annual Interest
((stake_total_shares * (stake_duration/365)) * base_inflation) / stake_duration*365
((41,990,549.0549 * (3333/365)) * 0.18185) / 3333 * 365 =
7,635,981.3456 MAXX
Annual Interest APY%
Annual Interest / Principal Amount
7,635,981.3456 / 10,000,000 = 0.76359813456 /
76.36% APR
With this, we can see that the user will earn a fixed 76.36% APR for his 3333 Day Stake of 10m MAXX. He will earn a total of 69,728,016 MAXX, making the total withdrawable amount 79,728,016 MAXX
Last updated
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